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Weekly Space Hangout

Jan 28, 2021

Tonight we are very excited to welcome Dr. Ann Marie Cody from the SETI Institute to the WSH. In her own words, Ann Marie searches for "the weird." Young stars exhibit some pretty bizarre behaviors, all of which have astrophysical explanations. However, there may be even stranger things out there, ready to be discovered...

Jan 21, 2021

This week we are excited to welcome Dr. Aaron Rosengren and Di Wu to the Weekly Space Hangout. Their research team recently identified gravitational interactions which have produced a superhighway network of sorts within the Solar System. This network can reduce transport times for objects traveling between Jupiter and...

Jan 14, 2021

This week we are excited to welcome Alberto Caballero, host of the Exoplanets YouTube channel, to the Weekly Space Hangout. In November 2020, arXiv published his (non-peer reviewed) paper in which Alberto indicates he has narrowed down the source of the August 1977 WOW! signal, and has potentially identified the...

Jan 9, 2021

This week we are excited to welcome Dr. Alan Stern, Principal Investigator from the New Horizons Mission, back to the WSH. In October, it was announced that Alan will be the first NASA-funded commercial space crewmember aboard a Virgin Galactic suborbital space mission. The flight is expected to take place in 2022; there he...